Dr. Migar Tam (Right 4) is invited to be the guest of the Logistics Forum and share his survey results.
Logistics industry has long been coping with ever-changing consumption model. To discuss the future development of logistics industry, The Hong Kong Logistics Association (HKLA) organizes logistics forum titled “Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area (HSK NDA) – Smart Logistics Park in Future”.
Over 150 audience participated in discussion on direction of smart logistics development
The forum attracts over 150 audience who come to discussion to Government, scholar, e-commerce operators, losgistics service providers and logistics service users. Mr. Cliff SULLIVAN, the chairman of Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics (HAFFA), indicates the fact that most people still believe that logistics is all about manual and physical labor while modern logistics industry has been upgraded and turned into “electric industry” which needs high value-added technology to ensure tractability and just-in-time service.
From left: Dr. Migar Tam and Ir Dr. Tommy Choy, Chairman of Logistics Innovation Committee
Ir Dr. Choy and Dr. Migar Tam also share the results of a survey about SMAC in local Logistics & Supply Chain Management (LSCM) industry is released and welcomes particiaption of professionals, providing better understanding on the trend of Logistics Information System (LIS).