由香港特別行政區OGCIO 推動的 「香港資訊及通訊科技獎」,是資訊科技界每年一度的焦點盛事。踏入十
ej insight 報導: Why locally developed software can better meet SME needs
>Locally developed software adapts better to lo
>博思物流行政總裁容嘉俊(中)與好拍檔鍾穎傑(左)及譚文政博士。 中小企資源一般短缺,難以購買
ProLIS™ 在駿成物流正式Online
Mr. Keith Law, CEO at Chunsing (HK) Logistics Limi
Business Apps for Logistics Enterprises Established
CASL Team established two Business App as Prolis&#
ProLIS engaged to the POLYU RFID Laboratory
ProLIS engaged to the RFID Laboratory of the Depar
ProLIS™ Beta 面世
A Brand New Supply Chain Solution Tool Kits, ProLI